This week’s challenge was to compare two songs in whatever way you thought them to be similar. I’m gonna cheat a bit and take an actual cover to a song. This may sound like a cheap way out but bear with me.
The song I want to discuss is Prometheus by Saltatio Mortis. You might recognise this band from when I discussed their song Salome. This band chose mythical figures and wrote songs about them, usually from the point of view of this figure.
Saltatio Mortis did the same with Prometheus, the Titan god who created humanity from clay, stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. As a punishment, Zeus sentenced him to have him bound to a rock, and an eagle would eat his liver. Overnight the liver would grow back, and the eagle would return the next day. Heracles finally freed Prometheus.
Saltatio Mortis
Saltatio Mortis’ version of this song is serious. It’s in line with the original myth and in no way funny or sarcastic. It’s a great rock song.
For their album Zirkus Zeitgeist, Saltatio Mortis invited several artists to record one of their songs.
Mr Hurley und die Pulveraffen
One of the artists they invited was ‘Mr Hurley und die Pulveraffen,’ a pirate-themed German band. This latter band covered the song Prometheus. Before I say anything, watch the video of their version, even if you only watch the first minute. You’ll get what I mean, also if you don’t understand German.
Every time I hear this version, I chuckle. Even now, years later, it still brings a smile to my face. I love how they took a serious theme and managed to use the same words, ‘bringing you fire,’ and make it so incredibly funny.
I’ve seen this band live once, and then too; they made me laugh, even with my limited knowledge of the language. They don’t take themselves too seriously, in a good way, which makes for a fun performance.
German Festivals
I also want to add that I’ve seen Saltatio Mortis perform this song multiple times, and that too is quite a happening. In Germany, the pyro’s are fired pretty close to the public. You don’t have to stand a hundred metres away, so it actually gets hot when you’re close to the front of the stage. It’s still safe, of course, but you will want to close your eyes and even face away for a moment. I wasn’t at the show where this was recorded. I remember having to work that day, and I couldn’t possibly make it in time to Hamburg, where I think they performed. The show is called ‘Provocatio’ because this band was challenged to perform a three-hour show by the festival organiser. Performing three hours of high energy show must be quite a challenge indeed.
Prometheus – Saltatio Mortis
Recognize the people
Their spirit is frozen
Forced to live
in eternal night
Listen to their complaints
Their enemy is the cold
Damned to wait
in eternal watch
In the tail of the comets
before clouds black as night
I descend from Heaven, burning
My hand holds fire
My mind the knowledge
I’ll carry the commandments
of the gods to my grave
I bring you fire
to recognize the power
I bring you fire,
and the wrath of the gods on the world
I bring you fire
the power to burn
I bring you fire
and the ashes that fall from Heaven
To know means freedom
to decide for yourself
No destiny
is conceived by the gods
the inflame the spirit
The seed of knowledge
has made gods
of the people.
My work is done,
the boundaries have fallen
Ignorance, a broken curse
However my punishment
will appear unfathomable
like a book
written by the gods
I bring you fire
to recognize the power
I bring you fire,
and the wrath of the gods on the world
I bring you fire
the power to burn
I bring you fire
and the ashes that fall from Heaven
Forged in steel
chained on the mountain
damned by the gods
saved by no one
My eternal body
a meal for the eagle
The eternal punishment
in the Caucasus valley
I bring you fire
to recognize the power
I bring you fire,
A blaze that lights up the night
I bring you fire
the power to burn
I bring you fire
and the ashes that fall from Heaven
I bring you fire
I bring you fire
I bring you fire
the power to burn
I bring you fire
and the ashes that fall from Heaven
Writer(s): Michael Reinbacher, Timo Gleichmann, Joerg Alea Roth
Erkenne die Menschen
Ihr Geist ist erfroren
Gezwungen, zu leben
In ewiger Nacht
Erhöre ihr Klagen
Ihr Feind ist die Kälte
Verdammt, zu warten
In ewiger Wacht
Im Schweif des Kometen
Vor nachtschwarzen Wolken
Steige ich brennend
Vom Himmel herab
Die Hand hält das Feuer
Mein Geist die Erkenntnis
Trag’ ich der Götter
Gebote zu Grab
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Kraft zu erkennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Den Zorn der Götter auf die Welt
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Macht zu verbrennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Und Asche, die vom Himmel fällt
Erkennen heißt Freiheit
Sich selbst zu entscheiden
Kein Schicksal ist
Von den Göttern erdacht
Den Geist zu entflammen
Die Saat der Erkenntnis
Hat aus den Menschen
Selbst Götter gemacht
Mein Werk ist verrichtet
Die Grenze gefallen
Unwissenheit ein
Gebrochener Fluch
Meine Strafe jedoch
Wird unfassbar erscheinen
Wie ein von Göttern
Geschriebenes Buch
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Kraft zu erkennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Den Zorn der Götter auf die Welt
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Macht zu verbrennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Und Asche, die vom Himmel fällt
Geschmiedet in Eisen
An Berge gekettet
Von Göttern verdammt
Von niemand’ gerettet
Mein ewiger Leib
Dem Adler ein Mahl
Die ewige Strafe
Im Kaukasus Tal
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Kraft zu erkennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Ein Lodern, das die Nacht erhellt
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Die Macht zu verbrennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Und Asche, die vom Himmel fällt
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Ich bringe euch Feuer
Ich bringe euch Feuer
die Macht zu verbrennen
Ich bringe euch Feuer
und Asche, die vom Himmel fällt
Song Lyrics Sunday is a prompt by Jim Adams, other entries can be found here: https://jimadamsauthordotcom.wordpress.com/2021/05/22/improving-comprehension/
I like this music Liz.