It is now the first week of September, and routines are being put back in place. Many families struggle with Domestic Discipline during the summer as habits go out the window. This blog will help those families get back on track.
It is very important to have a routine for your family when practising Domestic Discipline. During the summer, habits tend to go out the window. This can make it challenging to get back into a routine when school starts. Having a set way will help keep your family on track and help avoid any discipline issues.
There are many different types of routines that you can use in your family. You can find one that fits your family’s needs and personality type. The most important thing is that everyone in the family knows what the routine is and follows it.
You should do several things each day to help keep your family on track. In this post, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to get back into your DD routine after taking a break during the summer.
Summer Time Relaxation

During the summer, whether you’ve been on holiday or stayed at home, you relax the rules a little when you unwind from work and duties. The rules aren’t that well enforced, and maybe there weren’t even any maintenance spankings. Usually, the sex gets better during these times since there’s less to worry about. During this time, it can be challenging to get back on track.
Summertime is a great time to take a break and enjoy the sun. It is a time to relax the rules and have some fun. You don’t have to use the old routine. You can try something new and different. Maybe play around with the rules and try a different setup. Or maybe change little things, like not making dinner at home every night but going out now and then. The thin summer’s clothes undoubtedly led you to hot adventures and may have led to a new appreciation of your significant other. But as we all know, all holidays come to an end, and regular life has to be resumed. Maybe you’re dreading going back to your routines, but it’s also possible a small part inside of you longs to return to the patterns you were used to and will actually wish to see them re-established. However, it can be challenging to overcome hurdles. Let’s see how you can go about it.
Your goals can be anything you want them to be. It is your DD and your rules and nobody else’s. It is your DD. You can have specific goals like “I want to be able to have orgasms” or very general like “I want to have fun.” You can also have goals you don’t want to achieve for a while, like “I want to have an orgasm but for a long time.” It can be anything as long as both of you agree on it. You can have an orgasm and not have fun; that’s fine. You can have fun without having orgasms. It is all up to you. Remember to keep your goals in sight when you are doing DD; this will help you stay on track. You have to make sure you have agreed on goals before you start.

OK, now we have an agreed set of rules. The next thing is to understand what discipline entails. I have seen it described as the opposite of fun, but I don’t see it that way. It is a time when you are both accountable to each other and the rules. It is also a time when you are demonstrating respect for each other and giving yourself a chance to do something positive. In the end, if you are not having fun, then indeed, you are not doing it right.
Giving and receiving discipline
This is a crucial point in the relationship – you have to know how to give and receive discipline, and you should also be able to build this into your relationship. Not just on the occasions when you are in an HOH role, this is all part of how you and your partner have agreed to live together.
Why would we need maintenance? Why would we need regular visits to the doctor, for example? Or, for a more obvious example, why would we need to use the bathroom regularly? The answer is simple, we need it to keep our bodies healthy. This is the same with our relationships. We need regular visits to keep our relationships healthy. As the HOH, it is your job to ensure that your partner meets their goals. Or, as I have said before, if they are not, you need to ensure they are. This job does not end when you have had a punishment, and it does not end when they have successfully reached their goal. It is a continuous process. You need to be available to them when they need it, and you need to be able to anticipate what they might need. You cannot say you are available all the time or that you can always help them; this is just not true.
Maintenance Spanking
Maintenance spanking within Domestic Discipline is simply a spanking on a regular occurrence, most usually weekly. Setting this as a recurring appointment resets the relationship and keeps the standards held high. It gives the submissive partner the feeling that she really should be submissive and should be following and obeying the Head of the Household. In turn, it gives the HoH the feeling he has a partner to take care of. Providing a regular spanking also lessens the chance of the spanking becoming too scary, as it will happen anyway. You can also use this spanking to give extra attention to the submissive partner.
Maintenance spanking rules can be simple. They are the same as all other spankings, but there is an added bonus. You must say the following at some point in the spanking every time you spank.
“Do you have the rules?” “Yes.” “Are you obeying them?” “Yes.”
If you choose to add this rule, you make sure the Domestic Discipline is on both partners’ minds, resulting in a better-run household.
Bedtime Routine

During the warm summer days, maybe your bedtime has gotten later, and that, too, needs a reset. Setting a strict bedtime routine within a Domestic Discipline relationship is perfectly acceptable. Perhaps the submissive partner needs more sleep or a more regular rhythm. It’s the task of the Head of the Household to set a routine and enforce it. When you are on holiday, you can develop a new habit. If you are in different time zones, you can use an app or any other technique to enforce the rules.
You can also try a routine where the submissive partner needs to kneel before the bed every night and states her submission to the head of the household. According to how the day has been, the dominant partner can either commend her for having been a good girl or give a few spanks if he deems them necessary.
After the summer, it can also be a good idea to take your exercise routines back up. This can either be back to the gym or maybe doing exercises at home, like yoga or other sports. It’s essential to reinstate a set time so the submissive partner knows when she’s expected to do the training, and the HoH can check whether it’s been done and discipline her if not. A sports routine can fit in well within a Domestic Discipline household.
Healthy Diet

Maybe you had too much junk food during the summer. Many people do, as it’s the perfect time for barbecues or getting burgers and fries while on the beach or on another outing. When school starts again, it’s the ideal moment to return to a healthier regime. Your daily routine should include typical, nutritious meals on all occasions. So no more picking up a fast food meal or other junk food, but good homemade meals which are healthy and delicious. Cut down on the sodas and return to drinking water and tea without sugar. And if you’ve been enjoying summer cocktails, cut back on those too. It depends on the rules in your household, but many submissives can’t drink alcohol or only sparingly. It’s not a good idea to mix spankings with alcohol by either partner. So if the dominant sets a good example, he won’t drink either.
After a summer of adjustment and change, setting your household’s domestic discipline back to its routine is crucial. Maintenance spanking, bedtime routine, regular exercise, and a healthy diet are all essential in keeping a relationship healthy and happy. So don’t waste any time; sit down with your significant other and discuss how and at what pace you would like to return to these vital routines. Remember how good it felt before the summer and how much you all will benefit from getting back into this lifestyle. It will be challenging initially, but together you can pull through and support each other in the way that suits you best. It’s going to be tough, especially the first spankings after a long absence, but remember they are necessary for keeping up your relationship. The head of the household needs to know he’s being obeyed, and the submissive partner needs to know she’s safe. And everyone will feel better in a clean house where delicious food is served, and it’s clear who makes the crucial decisions. Let’s get back to our routines and maybe start getting ready for the gifting season in November and December. There’s plenty to look forward to.