Friday the Thirteenth

I wanted my story ‘Kristin Deceived – An Erotic Bimbofication Tale’ to be released on Friday the 13th. Call it superstition, but I’ve released other books on this date and usually with some form of success.
For the book to come out on this date, I put it up for pre-publishing. Since my genre is erotica, there’s usually some hurdle I need to jump before it is allowed to be released into the big bad world.
Yesterday morning, when I had everything ready, I uploaded the book to both Draft 2 Digital and to Amazon. This gives me access to a broad scope of release channels with the least amount of hassle. Or so I thought.
I made one mistake. The blurb text contains the words ‘loses her free will.’ The alarm bells went off, and this was the response I received from D2D:
‘It seems that the main plotline in your book is the unwilling bimbofication of an individual. They were taken unwillingly and then forced to become something that they did not wish to become. If the story did not involve this force then we would be able to remove the nonconsent flag, but until then our vendors will not accept the book.’
And that was that.
I was livid. I screamed at my husband as we were discussing it.
It’s Not Real
My story is a work of fiction. It deals with fictional characters. It’s not one bad guy who does this to my main character, it the way of the country. Every woman in this country has to be in custody of a man.
I liked that premise. I enjoy writing that kind of thing. It’s what turns me on.
I do not want this to happen to every woman in the world, that’s why I write fiction. It gives me a chance to explore concepts this absurd. It’s comparable to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood. Her book isn’t banished for describing how to abuse women, is it?
My story is set in an unnamed time somewhere in the near future in an unnamed country. I do not name any people. It’s a work of fiction. Why do I need to defend myself as if I’m some sort of criminal for writing the erotica that I love most?
My husband wants me to take this to the European Court for racism and arbitrariness, and start a discussion on Twitter because I’m being discriminated against since I’m a woman.
I don’t want to. I’m a writer. I’m not good at debating, and I don’t want to set off an army of SJWs against me.
Instead, I’ve chosen to publish my work on an alternative platform: LBRY.
LBRY is a secure, open, and community-run digital marketplace. It is not run by one company who decides what can or can’t be published. Everything can be released and downloaded by everyone. Most importantly: it’s decentralised. Works can’t be blocked or taken down by one person.
Please refer to their website for more information. I’ve been looking around at the platform for the past couple of months, and I think I have an idea of how it works, but it’s too difficult to explain.
You can find my book here:
Epub format:
PDF format:
My Choice
I chose to publish my work there because it puts me in control. I’ve also decided to charge for my work, a mere two Dollars, though in a blockchain currency. It’s what I would have gotten through Draft 2 Digital as well for one sale.
Is this going to make me rich? Nah.
LBRY is mainly for early adopters, people interested in cryptocurrency and for nerds.
Honestly, I don’t expect to make any sales on this platform, but getting to share my work on my terms feels good. I get sick of having to jump through hoops to get my work to my audience.
I know my work isn’t bad. It’s quality porn written by a woman. Yes, this work is misogynistic, but so be it. I’m not asking you to like my work, I’m asking for a chance to let me spread it into the world so that people who do enjoy it can.

Funny side-note: the pre-order of ‘Kristin Deceived’ is live on Amazon.
We’ll see how far it gets.