I don’t like repeating phrases, but what a year this has been. I reread my resolutions post from the beginning of the year, and I warily smiled at my innocence. I didn’t know what was coming. I had no idea I was soon going to be locked inside my house for at least a year. Despite the struggles with the Covid-19 virus, I did have some achievements this year. Let’s see what I managed to accomplish.
I can’t do a year review without mentioning this subject: Covid-19. It took the world over by storm. When it broke out in Wuhan, I had no idea it was going to impact my life. Unfortunately, it did. We didn’t go to the munch in February, already for this reason. And then my world stopped.
I was so proud I had made friends and had been going to a monthly gathering. It ended; it just wasn’t safe anymore. My world became small, very small. We decided to have our groceries delivered to our house instead of going to the supermarket once a week. My husband started working from home five days a week instead of two. And all the fun outings stopped. No more trips to the garden centre, to markets nearby, and worst of all: no more festivals and concerts.
My husband and I are both healthy and aren’t in any risk groups, but we still try to avoid contracting and spreading the virus. Living in full isolation does take its toll on my mental health. A night out spent with friends refills your energy and seems to reset things. And with that no longer possible, I struggle a lot. My sleep deteriorates, and with that everything else. But I’m still here. And despite it being a challenging year, I did have some accomplishments.
Bimbofication Serial
The biggest surprise for me was how popular the ‘Mandy Gets Fixed‘ series was received. To me, it was a simple in-between, just-for-fun story I had written. I only decided to publish it on a whim. But then people enjoyed the story, even though the set-up was absurd, so I continued. And to my surprise, I even managed to write weekly until the end. Overall, it was a big win for me.
Fiction Relay
I didn’t write that much fiction last year. One project I did do and enjoyed immensely was May More’s Fiction Relay. I loved writing my pieces. I also loved watching the story progress and seeing where the characters were taken. The different writing styles of all authors made every episode special. Writing my episodes pulled me out of a rut every time because it gave me something to do, an assignment that had to be completed before a deadline. They were good times.
Sex Toys Reviews
Apart from writing fiction, I also wrote several sex toy reviews this year. Many of them of toys I bought myself, but a good number of them were sponsored. It’s a part of my writing that I really enjoy.
I received a masturbator to review. I had requested this toy because my husband is sometimes a little envious of all the cool toys I get to test. I was the one giggling with glee when taking is out of the packaging because it looked and felt so cool.
DIY reviews
I wrote two reviews of toys we made or adapted ourselves. I was so happy I finally put a bra of torture together. It took me roughly two years before I had all the components and a plan to make it until I finally had the end product. I was delighted with the result, and we still use it occasionally.
The other DIY project was my husband’s fucking machine. He had wanted to make one for ten/fifteen years, but now that we have a 3D-printer, he could finally start building. The one on the pictures wasn’t the first design, and he’s still making plans to adapt bits and pieces. This too is a cool product to own and use in our play.
Sex Dolls
Something else I hadn’t foreseen, though I had hoped it, was how I received several sex dolls this year. Three to be precise.
The first one was the torso doll ‘Stacy’s Mom‘ from Tantaly. My husband was a bit hesitant to test it at first, but ever since the first try, he has changed his mind. They’re perfect for masturbation! Having sex with it hits some strange switches in your mind, and your monkey brain is convinced it’s having sex with a real woman. Apparently, it’s an extraordinary experience.
I too had my first sex with a sex doll, the inflatable doll from Amiga Toy. Since she has a face and hands, it’s easier for me to see her as a person. I feel like she is my friend.
And the third one arrived this week, so you can expect a review of her within the next couple of weeks. My husband is eagerly awaiting the moment I have finished taking pictures so he can start testing.
To my surprise, I was invited to join a podcast for an interview with His Lordship. It was a fantastic experience. He was so well prepared; I felt like a true celebrity. I made sure to tell things I hadn’t yet shared on my blog. I wanted to open up and show my readers another side of me. I think it worked out well. And man, I giggle a lot.
So am I satisfied with what happened in 2020? No, but then again, I don’t think I’d ever be satisfied. Looking at the list I just described, I do have things I’m proud of. And the fact that I’m here, writing this post for my blog is something I’m incredibly proud of. I did manage to write at least one post a week, no matter my headspace. I have no plans for stopping yet. On the contrary, I have big plans for next year. So I’m excited to see what the next year will bring.
It’s an impressive list you have here, Liz, and I think you can be proud of doing all of this, despite the virus situation affecting your mental health. I really hope we all get a breather (no pun intended) soon, and can at least return to live relatively normal again.
~ Marie
Hi Marie,
Thank you so much. I hope so too. Let’s hope the vaccine will had its intended effects 🙂
Oh Liz I am sooo glad to have met you via your blog – I love your attitude to writing and really look forward to what you will do next year – I will be here reading xx
Thanks May, I’ll be here also reading yours ? Happy New Year!
Best of luck next year Liz! It must be a better year!
Yes michael, let’s hope so ? Best of luck to you too ☺️
COVID definitely impacted my mental health too. But as me and my wife are youngish and healthy we stopped being in fear and went out to meet people who wanted to meet. And I refuse to see myself and others as potential virus spreaders when we have no symptoms. It is not a world I want to live in. So we talked about the risks with all the people we meet and some decided to go ahead and others decided to isolate and we respect each one’s decision. I am not putting my life on hold for this any longer and this alone improved my mental well-being enormously.
I reread your DYI posts and I wish I’d be more crafty…the torture bra looks nice…so innocently colorful 🙂
I wish we were as brave ? Maybe one day.
I love your description ‘innocently colourful.’ You’re so right. If it had been ‘metal-coloured’ it would have looked a lot more menacingly. Indeed the colours make it look so happy and bubbly, even though it really hurts when you wear it long enough ?
I read somewhere (even before the pandemic) that we can’t wait for family, society, politics, co-workers or whoever or whatever to get their acts together so that we can finally start to live a free and happy life. We would wait forever. It kind of hit me a few weeks back and I simply want to live my own life with the people that are important to me. It is not bravery…just…idk..I just do what I think is right and I try to make an informed decision every time by learning and by being humble about what I do not know.
Surely there is no reason to not glue those colorful spikes to some tight jocks…you gave me an idea here 😉