Micro Fiction – The Legacy of the Special Cream in her Coffee

She hates black coffee, forgot to buy cream, but her husband has the solution “Would you like some cream, ma’am?” “No, thank you.” She blinked away her tears. This poor server couldn’t know how much hurt was hidden behind that question. Lydia had changed to drinking her coffee black ever since… …

Song Lyric Sunday – It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye To Yesterday – Boyz II Men

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live.” ― Dalai Lama XIV If there’s something I’m good at, it’s worrying. Ruminating over what …

My Battle Plan for Winter

Fall has Arrived It’s November. The clock has already been changed to wintertime. The weather is gloomy and wet. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and are starting to fall. There’s no denying that the seasons have changed. Bright summer has made place for dark autumn. Many people …

Why I Hate Facebook

And Don’t Delete It Social Media and Mental Health Ever since I first heard about Facebook, I was intrigued. I’m an early adopter, and I love to try new technologies. In The Netherlands, we had a social media site called Hyves. It’s no longer active, but it was similar in …